In November I was commissioned by The Australian to produce illustrations for their supplement The Deal, which was a special edition focusing on Women Leaders and workplace issues. When I received the articles I was a little panicked.  I joked that perhaps I should use a feminine alias! In fact I was initially stumped, I leapt straight into a headspace of  “I am male, I cannot illustrate from a feminine perspective, which is surely what this requires, this is headed straight to Disasterville.” However  I’m not one to baulk at a challenge and put aside any issues of ‘maleness’ and entered a healthy space of recognising that to do these articles justice they had to be approached as purely graphic solutions. Once I gained some traction by utilising some found onlinefunky 50s Peter Ganine chess pieces to depict role types and so forth it was plain sailing. This idea of chess pieces extended to a queen in a deck of cards also for one story adding feminist symbols and an assortment of famous slogan badges. The editor was very happy with the results and I think the images had a strength that endorsed the concepts within the stories. Phew.